
Skoopin syyskokous 30.10.

Syyskokous esityslista. Kokous pidetään heti Skoopin syyskoulutuksen jälkeen.

Paikka: Allergiatalo, Paciuksenkatu 19, Helsinki.

Seuraava EUSUHM-kongressi 11.-13.9.2019

We are very proud to announce the twentieth (!) Eusuhm Congress, which will be held in the city of Rotterdam in the Netherlands on September 11th – 13th 2019.

The main theme is ‘Changing contexts. Influencing youth and their surroundings.’ We are working on inspiring keynotes and a dynamic programme.

On behalf of Mascha Kamphuis, President of the Dutch Association AJN,  and the Dutch organizing committee I would like to ask you to share the attached flyer with your network.

We are looking forward to meeting you all in Rotterdam.

With kind regards,

Henrique Sachse-Bonhof
President of Eusuhm